Board Performance Reviews
CEO Performance Evaluations
Annual Reports
Strategic Risk Management
Policy, Governance and Compliance Reviews
The performance of the board is critical to the success of an organisation. The board is an important strategic asset and must reflect a diverse mix of skills and knowledge with a culture of respect, transparency, accountability and encourages constructive debate. Improve the effectiveness of your Board with an external evaluation from an experienced consultant with the ability to benchmark performance against other similar organisations.
In line with AICD guidelines and any other relevant policy, an independent board assessment can consist of:
Survey to board members
Analysis of results for whole of board, individual and Chair
Skills matrix for board and committees
Review of governance documents and policies
Presentation of results to the Board
Board Performance Evaluation Report
Board Improvement Action Plan
Board Performance Benchmarking

Accountability for performance outcomes is a key component of good governance and as the most senior executive in the organisation, it is important that a formal review is conducted at least annually. A CEO Performance Evaluation can include:
Review and evaluation including 360º feedback
Review and assessment of historical performance consistent with CEO’s employment contract, position description, KPIs and organisation’s objectives.
Face to face interview with Chair and Board representatives
Identification of professional development and training opportunities to improve future performance
Setting of future KPIs in alignment with the organisation’s strategic objectives

Compilation and development of Annual Reports information including governance, finance and supplementary disclosures and information.
Free up your staff to focus on working on your business and outsource your requirements relating to updates to policies, governance and compliance.
Policy and procedure writing
Governance Review
Independent compliance reviews
Financial Management Compliance (State Government Entities)
Victorian Government Risk Management Framework
Other Corporate Governance Compliance Activities
Strategic Business Plan & Operating Model Review
Conduct a comprehensive strategic business review of a Trade Training Centre which included a consortium of 9 schools.
Projects included the following outputs:
Extensive stakeholder engagement
Financial viability & sustainability model
Updated growth outlook and modelling
5 year Strategic Business Plan
Preferred future business model recommendations
Conduct an annual Board Performance Assessment for a state government authority which included the following:
A collective assessment of the effectiveness of the whole Board overall
Assessment of individual board members and Chair
Presentation of results to the Board
Board Performance Assessment Report
Board Performance Review Report to the Minister
Develop & implement board skills & competency matrix
Completed a review of a sub-committee of a not-for-profit Board to review the structure and operations of the sub-committee with a view to identifying improvements. The review involved key stakeholders including sub-committee members, key staff and Board. The review included
Online survey
Workshop with key stakeholders
Follow up meeting
Board Paper with recommendations